The Evangelist

Near the beginning of our relationship, Belle had to fly to Manhattan for a business trip. She shared the good news about Jesus as if she had discovered something no one else knew anything about. She shared her “Good News” on the plane, in restaurants, and in between meetings. This was still the time in her relationship with Jesus when everything was fresh, new, and exciting. Belle was so grateful for all the good things God was doing with her that she couldn't hold it in. She shared with anyone who would listen. Not everyone was receptive, but some people were. She returned with stories of praying with strangers and leading people into a relationship with Jesus. She led one stranger into a relationship with Jesus under an umbrella on a bustling Tribeca street corner during a cold spring rain.

Belle was young and naive enough to think this was all pretty standard Christian stuff. I suppose she was surprised to get reactions from the folks in our Bible study when she shared the news about her trip to New York. The resounding sentiment from the group (and later the church leaders) was that Belle should be labeled an "evangelist" and directed to start attending the evangelism training course the church was about to begin. Sadly, she followed this advice.